Massage Therapy Apprentice programs are unique. You get even more quality information than a school would provide, and in a two-on-one classroom setting and hands-on experience with a professional licensed massage therapist. You also have the benefit of being licensed as an apprentice under your supervising massage therapist with the ability to make money as you train. Many other professions do similar training (plumbers, electricians, etc.).
This unique way of learning a new profession allows students to avoid costly education debt and gain valuable business experience. The process also allows each apprentice to begin building their clientele as they train. Apprentices leave the program with a working knowledge of creating their own massage therapy business if they wish and building their clientele.
The program takes about 1 year to complete. Utah requires 700 classroom hours (classroom and hands-on), and 300 student clinic hours for each massage apprentice to be eligible to take the Mblex and become licensed.
We also bring in other professionals to learn from as featured guest speakers and have opportunities to visit other professionals in their specialized settings. Each apprentice will learn about all kinds of massage and bodywork, along with many other holistic therapies.